Thursday, March 22, 2012


MANILA, Philippines - The term “Noynoying”– coined by militants to refer to President Aquino’s alleged inaction on the country’s pressing social issues – has caught worldwide attention.

“Noynoying” is now in online encyclopedia Wikipedia, which describes the word as an Internet meme or concept that defines an effortless pose or activity consisting of sitting or standing around, in an unconcerned manner.

“It is also recognized as doing nothing when in fact you have something to do. The word is derived from President Aquino’s nickname, Noynoy, and the suffix -ing, to describe the act of being Noynoy. It is a parody of his work ethic as President of the Philippines,” according to Wikipedia.

Noynoying was introduced on March 15, 2012 by youth protesters in support of the transport caravan, led by the transport group Piston. “Noynoying was described as an effortless pose, an obvious jab at President Aquino, which borrowed his nickname, Noynoy, who is being criticized for having done nothing to cushion the impact of, or prevent the spike in, crude oil prices and tuition fees,” the online site said.

Wikipedia said, “Noynoying is synonymous to being lazy, indecisiveness or just neglecting the things to be done by concentrating on other matters. It was created as a reaction to what the public perceive as the President’s inaction with regard to major issues affecting the country.”

But Wikipedia said the entry had been nominated for deletion and to be checked for its neutrality.

The umbrella group Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) has been accusing the government of Noynoying” on the issue of oil price hike.

Continue reading at The Philippine Star