Monday, January 23, 2012


MANILA, Philippines - As the impeachment trial resumes today, lawyers of Chief Justice Renato Corona are expected to argue that the allegation of illegal acquisition of wealth is not part of the second of the eight Articles of Impeachment.

The defense also bewailed that the process of removing the Chief Justice from office has become a “political theater” rather than an impeachment trial.

Taking a cue from the arguments of lead defense counsel Serafin Cuevas, lawyer Tranquil Salvador III told The STAR that the defense will emphasize their stand once they submit before the impeachment body today a memorandum in a bid to “amplify” before the senator-judges the defense’s stand on the grounds in Article 2.

The defense panel was still fine-tuning as of press time yesterday the arguments that they will present before the impeachment court today.

Aside from the registrars of deeds from Makati and two other cities in Metro Manila that will attest to the condominium and land titles of properties reportedly owned by Corona and his family,

Internal Revenue Commissioner Kim Henares is also being asked to testify and bring with her Corona’s income tax records.

The prosecution vowed to show the impeachment body that Corona’s non-disclosure of his statement of assets and liabilities and net worth (SALN) is correlated with his attempts to hide his illegally amassed wealth, which were not disclosed in his SALNs from 2002 to 2010.

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