Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Prevent Cataract with Vitamin C

EYE ailments like cataract are no longer associated with old age.

Although the development of this disease is gradual and goes with the normal aging process, it can occur rapidly to people with unhealthy lifestyle.

Seniors develop cataracts but there are instances of young people getting cataracts due to excessive ultraviolet-light exposure, diabetes, smoking, or the use of certain medications, such as oral, topical, or inhaled steroids.

To keep cataracts from clouding your vision as you age, store up more on vitamin C and vegetables loaded with powerful antioxidants like bell peppers, broccoli, and oranges.

A recent study showed that people with higher blood levels of vitamin C may have a much lower risk of developing cataracts, while people with low vitamin C may suffer higher rates of the eye condition. Bell peppers, broccoli, and oranges are all super sources of this nutrient.

Nutritional status has also been investigated, but most research to date has been done on cataract prevalence in people who take vitamin C supplements, and most of the results have proved contradictory or inconclusive. But this new study is significant in that it examined cataract risk in relation to intake of vitamin-C-rich foods rather than supplements.

So why not make a few healthy changes to help keep your vision sharper longer? Red bell peppers, broccoli, oranges, cantaloupe, carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash are all great sources of vitamin C. But you should also be a faithful wearer of sunglasses to help reduce your risk. Say no to tobacco. And see your eye doctor regularly for vision screening.

(source: Journal Online)