Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to make a cheap mosquito trap using sugar and yeast to prevent dengue?

Dengue is at its peak during these months. Although health authorities say that cases continue to decline, dengue still pose threat especially to children.

In some parts of the country like Nueva Ecija, which ranks second with the most cases of dengue in Central Luzon, fumigation is not sufficient to drive away these dengue-carrying mosquitoes.

The local health officials have devised a simple method to help minimize the wrath of dengue – a mosquito trap they named “sweet potion.”

In a local news program, the officials shared how they do the mosquito trap.

And here’s how to do the mosquito trap:

Materials needed:
- empty 1.5 bottle of soft drink painted with black.
- 4 tbsp of brown sugar
- 250 ml water
- 1 tbsp of yeast (pampaalsa)

1. Cut the upper portion of the empty 1.5 ml bottle, this will serve as a funnel and the lower part will serve as the mixing container.
2. Pour 250 ml of water in the mixing container.
3. Put 4 tbsp of brown sugar into it and thoroughly mix them.
4. Add a tbsp of yeast onto the mixture. The mixture will undergo oxidation which will emit aroma to attract the mosquitoes. The black color of the container will further attract them.

The Department of Health (DOH) recommends at least 4-set mosquito traps, ideally put up inside and outside the house. According to the news, the cost will only be P5.00.

Courtesy of: ABS-CBN, Bandila