Monday, August 29, 2011

Entrepreneur Advocates Bayong Revival Among Pinoys

Entrepreneur Larry Gile believes reviving the bayong is a good way to encourage Filipinos to go local while at the same time help protect the environment.

Larry started Bayong is My Bag only less than a year ago, but so far, he has gained a steady following.

“I got tired of creating art without purpose until I started designing for woven bags by other entrepreneurs and saw the potential,” Larry says.

Larry started tapping weavers from the Bicol region for his own business. He saw how beneficial it is for the environment if people start using bayong again not only when going to the palengke (instead of plastic bags) but also as an everyday bag.

To make the bayong even more attractive, Larry also incorporated art in the woven bags.
“If we use the term reuse, recycle and reduce, we can have ‘re-art’ which would mean creating something with utility and art,” Larry says.

So far, Larry says he has been receiving positive response from those who have seen his artworks. He hopes that more artists like him would use their talent in pursuing their advocacy. Although instead of canvass, he uses woven materials.

Aside from painting and designing bayong, Larry also offers place mats, tissue holder and recycled bottles.

(source: Yahoo News)