Monday, August 15, 2011

Breastfed Babies More Intelligent, says Unicef

Breastfed babies are more intelligent than those fed with infant formula.

According to United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) country representative Vanessa Tobin, two important studies this year have confirmed that breastfed children have better mental development.

Tobin said a study by Oxford University in the United Kingdom and a similar study by the University of Western Australia showed that the IQ (intelligence quotient) level of children who were breastfed is “between three to five points higher than their formula-fed counterparts.”

Because of this, Tobin said it saddens her that only 34 percent of Filipino babies are breastfed exclusively for the first six months of their life.

“What is more important is that the difference was maintained into the teenage years. Now think what that smarter, more capable generation could do for the nation,” she added.
Tobin said the percentage of breastfed Filipino babies is lower than many other countries in the world.

“And while we are seeing improving rates in many industrialized countries, in the Philippines the rate is not moving in the right direction,” she said.

The expert gave assurance that there is an abundance of research showing that breastfeeding is the “only natural, safe and complete way to feed your infant.”

Because of this, parents should no longer hesitate to submit their infants to complete breastfeeding, she said.

“We all have a role to play to ensure parents make the optimal feeding choices for their infants – which means breastfeeding, exclusively for six months, and continuing for two years and beyond,” she said

Source: Phil Star