Sunday, July 3, 2011



Justice Secretary Leila de Lima believes that some abortions should be considered legal if they are done for valid health reasons.

De Lima, in a letter to David Clarence Cosalan, committee secretary of the House Committee on Revision of Laws, said lawmakers should consider cases wherein a pregnancy could not push through, particularly if it endangers the life of the mother, the child, or both.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) chief issued the statement in her analysis of House Bill No. 3667, which amends provisions of the Revised Penal Code by increasing and imposing stiffer penalties on abortion.

"We therefore suggest that this issue be addressed and a corresponding provision be added clearly stating that abortion is justified if the health/medical condition of the mother cannot carry out the pregnancy to its full term or if she will die in the process," de Lima said.

She also questioned the bill's list of abortive acts, adding that it disregards considering women's health.

De Lima, however, clarified that the DOJ still supports the bill's passage and the prosed legislation only needs revision.

Manila Rep. Amado Bagatsing has filed HB 3667, which seeks to impose a maximum 12 years imprisonment on doctors or medical professionals who practice abortion.

A woman who undergoes abortion, meanwhile, should be imprisoned for a maximum of 12 years, according to the proposed legislation.

The bill also wants life imprisonment on people found guilty of using violence to intentionally abort a pregnancy.