Monday, July 25, 2011


by - MANILA, Philippines - China is ready to sit down with the Philippines in one-on-one talks regarding their ownership dispute over portions of the Spratly Islands, Beijing's envoy to Manila said Monday.

Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Liu Jianchao said the issue is a bilateral one and China is ready to discuss with the Philippines how to settle the dispute.

Liu issued the statement after President Benigno Aquino III said in his State of the Nation Address on Monday that the Philippines may bring the dispute over the West Philippine Sea, or the South China Sea, before the United Nations International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.

"We do not wish to increase tensions with anyone, but we must let the world know we are ready to protect what is ours," Aquino said.

Aquino said the Philippines would no longer allow other countries to enforce their will over territorial disputes.

"There was a time when we couldn't appropriately respond to threats in our own backyard," he said.

"Now our message to the world is clear. What is ours is ours; setting foot on Recto Bank is no different from setting foot on Recto Avenue."

Recto Bank is the Philippine name for Reed Bank, a group of tiny islands in the South China Sea that is claimed by the Philippines and China, while Recto Avenue is a major road in the heart of the capital, Manila.

Between 2 countries

Liu, meanwhile, insisted that the issue is "between our two countries."

"Talks are going on in Bali, in Indonesia. I hope that progress would continue to be made. So let's be diplomatic, let's give diplomacy a chance so that we all conform to the interests of all countries that this area, this region, remains peaceful and stable," he said.

"I take it as a claim that is repeated. Now, China and the countries in this region are working very hard in making sure that this place, this area in peaceful and stable one," the Chinese envoy added.

Manila has accused Chinese navy boats of harassing a Philippine oil exploration vessel near Reed Bank in March, one of the incidents that triggered a dramatic rise in bilateral tensions.

China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan have overlapping claims to all or parts of the South China Sea, which is believed to be extremely rich in oil and gas deposits.

Tensions in the decades-long dispute escalated this year amid accusations from the Philippines and Vietnam that China was becoming increasingly aggressive in staking its claims to the sea.

Aside from harassing the oil exploration vessel at Reed Bank, the Philippines accused Chinese forces of shooting at Filipino fishermen and placing markers on some of the islets.

The Philippines has one of the weakest military forces in the region, with its airforce lacking any fighter aircraft and its navy made up mainly of World War II-vintage US ships.

However the Philippines secured a promise from the United States in June for help in modernizing its armed forces, after appealing to its longtime ally for protection amid its rift with China.

A decommissioned US Coast Guard patrol vessel that will become the Philippines' biggest navy ship is due to reach Philippine shores next month, which Aquino highlighted in his speech. - with a report from Agence France-Presse