Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Creative McDonald’s Advertising

McDonald’s Newspaper Sandwich

Giant paper napkins were used to promote McDonald’s largest hamburger

Regular bus stop was turned into McDonald’s restaurant.

Transit shelter in Vancouver was turned into an ‘hourglass’ filled with coffee beans, reminding customers of the promotion’s short-term nature.

This cool billboard features a real sundial whose shadow falls on a different breakfast item each hour until noon, when the shadow of the McDonald’s arches are dead center.

Outdoor posters were turned into large interactive push puzzles that consumers could solve in order to “sort your head”. This was done to promote McDonald’s Large Coffee for only 1 Euro in Sweden.

The Real Milkshake

Giant Pie billboard used to promote McDonald’s in New Zealand.

Free Wi-Fi at McDonald’s

Clever poster, with what appears to be fresh salad vegetables, changed a bus shelter into a section in the refrigerator.

McDonald’s Sandwich

Creative “Open All Night” McDonald’s advertising from Australia.

Creative ads for McDonald’s re-opening in Birkerod, Finland.

Clever outdoor ad promotes fresh carrots at McDonald’s in Sweden.

Free Wi-Fi served at all McDonald’s restaurants

Lamppost in downtown Vancouver became part of a clever optical illusion, appearing to pour coffee into a giant cup on the sidewalk.