The HTC M9 runs Android 5 Lollipop with HTC Sense software on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 octa-core 64 bit CPU with 3 gigs of RAM and 32 gigs of internal storage. It has a microSD card slot and a 2840 mAh battery that’s sealed inside. The phone has a front Ultrapixel camera and a new rear 20MP standard camera with BSI, HDR and 4K video recording. The One M9 has a 1080p LCD 3 display, LTE 4G, WiFi 802.11ac, Bluetooth, NFC and a GPS with GLONASS. In the US it typically sells for $199 with 2 year contract and $650-$700 full retail.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
HTC One M9 Review by MobileTechReview
Lisa Gade reviews the HTC One M9 Android smartphone. The M9 is HTC’s mainstream size 5" flagship phone for 2015 and it’s available on all major carriers. The One M9 is a subtle evolution of the HTC One M8 and has a finely crafted aluminum casing that’s available in silver-gold, gunmetal and all gold.
The HTC M9 runs Android 5 Lollipop with HTC Sense software on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 octa-core 64 bit CPU with 3 gigs of RAM and 32 gigs of internal storage. It has a microSD card slot and a 2840 mAh battery that’s sealed inside. The phone has a front Ultrapixel camera and a new rear 20MP standard camera with BSI, HDR and 4K video recording. The One M9 has a 1080p LCD 3 display, LTE 4G, WiFi 802.11ac, Bluetooth, NFC and a GPS with GLONASS. In the US it typically sells for $199 with 2 year contract and $650-$700 full retail.
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The HTC M9 runs Android 5 Lollipop with HTC Sense software on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 octa-core 64 bit CPU with 3 gigs of RAM and 32 gigs of internal storage. It has a microSD card slot and a 2840 mAh battery that’s sealed inside. The phone has a front Ultrapixel camera and a new rear 20MP standard camera with BSI, HDR and 4K video recording. The One M9 has a 1080p LCD 3 display, LTE 4G, WiFi 802.11ac, Bluetooth, NFC and a GPS with GLONASS. In the US it typically sells for $199 with 2 year contract and $650-$700 full retail.