Germany will be needing 500 registered nurses after the Agreement Concerning the Placement of Filipino Health Care Professionals in Employment Positions in the Federal Republic of Germany signed between the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) and the German Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur fur Arbeit, or BA) in a simple ceremony at the DOLE in Intramuros, Manila.

The agreement paves the way for the opening of the German health care sector for Filipino healthcare professionals, including nurses.
The bilateral labor agreement covers the following areas of cooperation between the two countries:
(a) regulation on the deployment of Filipino health care professionals;
(b) preservation, promotion, and development of Filipino workers’ welfare;
(c) exchange of ideas and information with the aim of improving amd simplifying job placement procedures; an
(d) other relevant technical and HRD cooperation and continuing studies in labor and employment.
An important statement was delivered by the Labor and Employment Secretary Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz:
“While the bilateral labor agreement establishes the conditions for the recruitment and employment of Filipino health care professionals, including nurses, to Germany to address the shortage of health care workers in that country, the provisions on recognition of qualifications and mechanisms to ensure the sustainability of trained and qualified health care professionals in the Philippines through HRD cooperation are very important given the concerns of the Philippine health sector on their active migration. We have to ensure that the migration of our workers takes place under an ethical recruitment framework that benefits the sending and receiving country,”
Necessary orientations, and language trainings for applicants will be funded by a German institute in Manila. Monthly salary will be approximately 1,900 Euros.
Access the nearest POEA regional office in your area to send your applications.
Found via: Germany poea