“In filling up vacant positions, priority shall be given to bona fide residents of the barangay, municipality, city or province where the school is located, in no particular order,” the order specified.
“Bona fide residents” refer to a qualified applicant who is, prior to appointment, a resident for a period of at least six months of a particular barangay, municipality, city or province where the school is. This must be evidenced by legal documents to be identified by DepEd.
The proof of residency adds to the requirements for teacher applicants which include the following:
1. An applicant shall submit to the nearest elementary or secondary school head a written application supported by the following documents:
- CSC Form 212 (revised 2005) in two copies with the latest 2×2 ID picture
- Certified photocopy of PRC Certificate of Registration/License (Date of Validity should not be expired at the time of application)
- Certified photocopy of ratings obtained in the Licensure Examination for Teachers
- Certified copies of transcript of records for baccalaureate course with computed weighted ratings
- Copies of service record, performance rating and school clearance for those with teaching experience
- Original Copy of Certificate of Residency, Voter’s ID/Voter’s Affidavit
- Certificate of Specialized Training
3. Schedule for English Proficiency Test, Demo and Interview will be announced later.
4. The applicant assumes full responsibility and accountability on validity and authenticity of the documents submitted. Any violation will merit corresponding sanctions after due process.
Interested applicants may start sending their application together with the necessary documents stated above to the school head concerned who will verify the authenticity of the documents including the proof of residency. The school head, in turn, must forward the application to the division superintendent who will maintain a registry of qualified applicants. The registry has a validity of one year.
Last September 2013, the DepEd announced that about 61,000 new public school teachers will be hired in 2013.