Sunday, November 18, 2012

Warning to ALL International Air Travellers - Must Read and Watch

At the airport never help anybody to hold his or her water bottle ..... Look at video to see how ingenious smugglers are ...... Recommend you read this and also look at the video (15 secs) - it may save you. This warning came from an officer working on an airport.

If you happen to buy a water bottle at the airport, please check the bottle. Beware of fake water bottles. Be careful!

Never accept or help anyone hold his/her bottle of water or any of their belongings, Even for an elderly person or a pregnant woman.. You could be arrested for illegal drugs possession. In Singapore, that means Death Penalty!

In order not to offend them, request them to put them on the floor or other places... Watch the video below by the US Customs. You'd understand why. (Nowadays the drug dealers are very innovative.

Source: Danny De Leon