* Leafy greens. If you’re of salads with greens like lettuce, escarole, endive, spinach, cabbage, kale, arugula, and chard, you can get sick by improper handling especially in restaurants.
Greens can be contaminated by manure, dirty water rinses, or unwashed hands before you even purchase them.
To avoid getting sick, wash produce and prevent cross-contamination with meat in the kitchen which can easily spread the bacteria to other types of food. Wash hands and use separatecutting boards.
* Potatoes. A freshly scrubbed spud that’s properly cooked is unlikely to cause illness. But watch out for potato salad.
Cross contamination, the transfer of germs from one type of food, usually meat, to another, can be the source of the problem.
Potato-related outbreaks of illness have been traced to germs like Listeria (which can live on deli counters ), Shigella, E. coli, and Salmonella.
* Sprouts or toge. While sprouts are practically the poster child for healthy food, they can also be vulnerable to bacterial contamination.
The seeds used to produce the sprouts can be contaminated in the field, and water and warm growing conditions that encourage germination can also boost bacterial growth. People with weak immune system should avoid eating sprouts raw.
Source: Journal News