Monday, March 12, 2012

Tiangco got P70M pork barrel despite 'no' vote

Source : by Jojo Malig,

MANILA, Philippines - Navotas Rep. Tobias Tiangco received his pork barrel allocation even if he did not vote for the impeachment in 2011 of then Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez, Budget Secretary Butch Abad said on Monday.

Abad told ANC that there is no truth to Tobias' claim in the Senate impeachment court that lawmakers who voted against Gutierrez's impeachment were denied their Priority Development Assistance Funds (PDAF).

"I can give you the date when (Rep. Tiangco) received his Special Allotment Release Order," he added.

" I don't know what he [Rep. Tiangco] is complaining about," Abad said. "He has allowed himself to be used by the defense to delay the impeachment proceedings."

Abad said information on all PDAF releases can be found on the Department of Budget and Management's (DBM) website.

"If you look at our website, all releases are uploaded there," he said.

The DBM website shows that Tiangco received P70 million in pork barrel funds in 2011.

"Now the (defense) is wasting the time of the Senate with this irrelevant testimony," Abad added. "It makes his testimony irrelevant insofar as the impeachment is concerned."

"He has allowed himself to be used by the defense to delay the impeachment proceedings," he said.

In his cross-examination by prosecutor Rep. Rudy FariƱas, Tiangco admitted that he received his PDAF in 2 tranches.

Tiangco said he received the first tranche of his pork barrel in August and the second tranche in October.

He, however, lashed at the supposed delay in the release of his pork barrel funds.

"In confidence, masama po ang loob ko," he said.

Tiangco will return to the witness stand on Tuesday in the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona to answer questions from Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago.