Thursday, March 29, 2012


Source : by Ritchie A. Horario, Manila Times

MORE senators on Thursday pledged their support to Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile as they vowed to turn down any move to reorganize the leadership in the chamber.

Senators Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel 3rd and Antonio Trillanes 4th gave assurances that they would not support moves to oust Enrile.

The two also denied reports that some factions in the chamber were using the long Lenten break to convince lawmakers to install a new Senate leader.

“Wala namang lumalapit sa akin [Nobody approached me], so as far as I’m concerned wala po akong alam diyan [I don’t know anything about it],” Pimentel said in a text message to The Manila Times.

Trillanes, meanwhile, said that Enrile can be assured of his support.

“Not true [about the Senate coup]. But if there were such a move, I will not support it,” he added.

Sen. Gregorio “Gringo” Honasan earlier said that some factions may take advantage of the long break by trying to grab power.

Honasan’s view was seconded by Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago, who hinted that there could be some groups in the Senate that are planning to reorganize the chamber by ousting Enrile.

But Honasan was confident that any attempt to grab power will not succeed because Enrile enjoys the support and confidence of majority of the senators.