Tuesday, March 6, 2012

CJ Bank Records Admitted

MANILA, Philippines — The Senate impeachment court Tuesday admitted as evidence the records of Chief Justice Renato C. Corona’s peso bank accounts as it also decided to simply admonish private prosecutor Vitaliano N. Aguirre II for direct contempt. The senator-judges came up with the two decisions during a caucus Tuesday.

In admitting the bank records of Corona, the impeachment court denied the Chief Justice’s motion to “suppress” evidence, which he claimed were illegally obtained.

Interviewed after the caucus, Enrile said the decision means that the impeachment court decided to accept Corona’s bank accounts, both local and foreign deposits, as formal evidence in connection with Article 2 of the Articles of Impeachment filed by the House prosecution panel.

Under Article 2, Corona is accused of “betraying public trust” for failure to make a public disclosure of his Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net worth (SALN).

“The court has arrived at a decision and ruling that it shall deny the motion to suppress and accept the evidence for the consideration of the court in connection with Article 2 of the Articles of Impeachment,” Enrile told reporters.

“We are going to issue a lengthy, formal written decision or ruling on this particular matter,” Enrile further said.

Enrile also said the court, after the presentation of the pieces of evidences of both the prosecution and the defense panel, will decide either for an acquittal or conviction for the Chief Justice.

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