Sunday, December 4, 2011

Philippines Improves in World Corruption Rankings

PERCEPTION of corruption in the Philippines has eased from last year due to the Aquino administration’s campaign for good governance, global civil society group Transparency International said in its latest rankings published yesterday.

The Philippines placed 129th out of 183 territories in the 2011 Corruption Perceptions Index which ranks such jurisdictions based on how corrupt their public sector is perceived to be.

Last year, the country ranked 134th out of 178 territories.

In Asia and the Pacific, the Philippines ranked 25th out of 35.

The study, covering the period December 2009 to September 2011, scored territories on a scale of 0-10, with 0 indicating the jurisdiction concerned is perceived as highly corrupt and 10 meaning it is deemed very clean.

The Philippines got a score of 2.6 this year, an improvement from the 2.4 garnered last year, the index showed.

“We have inched our way up which is good, since we have been plateauing in previous years. But, there is still a lot of room for improvement,” Transparency International-Philippines (TI-P) board member Araceli Estrada-Villanueva said during the press conference yesterday at the Philippine International Convention Center in Manila.

At the top of the 2011 Corruption Perceptions Index were: New Zealand (9.5), Denmark (9.4), Finland (9.4), Sweden (9.3), Singapore (9.2), Norway (9.0), Netherlands (8.9), Australia (8.8), Switzerland (8.8) and Canada (8.7).

Rounding up the bottom of the list were: Burundi (1.9), Equatorial Guinea (1.9), Venezuela (1.9), Haiti (1.8), Iraq (1.8), Sudan (1.6), Turkmenistan (1.6), Uzbekistan (1.6), Afghanistan (1.5), Myanmar (1.5), and lastly, North Korea (1.0) and Somalia (1.0).

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