Thursday, December 1, 2011


MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines smashed the world record for the longest line of coins held by the United States for three years after the country was able to queue more than 73 kilometers of 25-centavo coins intended for the construction of public classrooms in the country.

It was a double victory for participants who braved the torrential rain for two days just to donate 25-centavo coins that were either kept in their piggy banks or placed in a corner.

And as nightfall came on Thursday, Geodetic Engineer Erick Medrano and expert witnesses who checked the line of coins if it complied with the standards of the Guinness World Records – the ultimate authority on record-breaking achievements – declared that the Philippines surpassed the record of a community in Fort Scott, Kansas, US, which had lined up 3.4 million pieces of 1 cent coins for a total of 64.88 kilometers in 2008.

Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Officers Club and Employees Association (BSP-OCEA) president Dr. Greg Suarez said that the country was able to line up 25-centavo coins about 73.02 kilometers or 8.32 kilometers longer than the coin line recorded in the United States as certified by the engineers and officials.

He said that engineers and officials, who made the announcement at around 6 p.m., Thursday, will then issue a certification which, along with other documentation, will be sent to Guinness. No representative from Guinness was invited, since it would cost some 4,000 euros.

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