Sunday, August 7, 2011

P900 Million Released for Rural Development Projects

By Alexis Romero (The Philippine Star) MANILA, Philippines - President Aquino has ordered the release of P900 million for development projects in remote communities nationwide, the military said yesterday.

Maj. Emmanuel Garcia, spokesman for the National Development Support Command (NADESCOM), said the projects could help 800,000 people by improving access to basic services in poor villages.

“The budget was ordered released to address the lack of basic services in far-flung and marginalized communities where civilian government agencies find it difficult to penetrate due to unforgiving terrain and security concerns,” Garcia told The STAR yesterday.

He said the projects would cover 200 barangays, most of which are in Davao, Bicol, Samar and Negros.

The projects will be implemented starting this month and are expected to be finished by August next year.

Aquino’s directive virtually revived the concept of the Kalayaan sa Barangay (KBP) program, which channeled funds for projects intended to curb insurgency.

The government used to allot P1 billion per year to KBP from 2008 to 2010. This year however, Aquino stopped the funding for the program, saying it “no longer delivered its intended outcomes.”

KBP was replaced by the Pamana program managed by the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process.

Sources said the government released the funds because some local officials and residents are asking about the KBP projects promised to them. Sources said some soldiers earned the ire of communities that are expecting the delivery of the projects.

Col. Ferozaldo Regencia, assistant chief for civil-military operations of NADESCOM, said P4.5 million would be allotted to 200 barangays this year.

These projects include the construction of school buildings, health centers, farm-to-market roads, electricity and water systems.

Garcia said the military has already proven that it can complete projects at less cost.

“A comparison of cost on infrastructure projects shows that military engineers and soldiers can finish them in less time and less budget,” he said.

Garcia said a standard one unit, two-classroom school building can be constructed with a budget of P1 million, way below the P1.2 million to P1.4 million standard cost of the project.

NADESCOM chief Maj. Gen. Carlos Holganza said Aquino’s order manifests the government’s sincerity to address poverty.

“It is the commitment of peace builder-soldiers to genuinely serve our people in line with their needs and in accordance with the programs of the armed forces and the desire of the national leadership to bring about change,” he said.

The military, through the NADESCOM, has implemented 1,670 peace and development projects from 2005 to 2010.