Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Price of Adventure: How to Insure a Solo Adventurer?

From YouTube Description

Just how does one price the risk of global adventure? That was the challenge for a London insurance underwriter who insured British solo adventurer Sarah Outen's 2-and-a-half year global journey.

The British adventurer Sarah Outen is already in the record books, as the first woman and youngest person to row solo across the Indian Ocean.

Now, the 25-year-old is pushing herself to go further, embarking on a round the world journey that's set to take 2-and-a-half years.

Jonathan Thomas is the underwriter who drew up her 1.25 million pound insurance policy, said to be among the most complex written at Lloyd's in the last 25 years.

[Jonathan Thomas, Health Underwriter, Watkins Syndicate]:
"How do you judge this? It's not like your car insurance. You can't look back at what you paid last year or what your friend paid. I don't want to price the risk incorrectly but then again I wouldn't want her to think that she was being cheated out of money."

Outen refers to her adventure as London2London - via the world.

Thomas says there are three kinds of risk to consider - physical, mental and those presented by third parties such as natural disasters or people who might get in her way.

[Jonathan Thomas, Lloyd's Insurance Underwriter]:
"What you have to do, it's a bit like eating an elephant. You do it in very small parts."

In this case, that means assessing the risk of cycling, kayaking and rowing across an array of varied and sometimes volatile environments.

[Jonathan Thomas, Lloyd's Insurance Underwriter]:
"She's going through Kazakhstan. She's going through northern China. She's going through Siberia and in between starting to rate this risk and her departing, we had what happened in Japan. She travels through Japan and sets off in Japan to row across the Northern Pacific."