Saturday, April 9, 2011

Phil Jackson wants the NBA to speed up a bit. Chop-chop

By Kelly Dwyer
When Phil Jackson tells you that he doesn't like the way the current NBA game flows, he's not just giving you the typical Boomer-take on how things used to be. This man, and this isn't a shot, had a seat on the bench and was a part of two of the more gorgeous offenses in NBA history -- Red Holzman's two-time champions in 1970 and 1973, and the Chicago Bulls' triangle-based winners from the 1990s.
But Jackson isn't just upset at the stilted, coach-influenced game that we see on the court every night. He's upset with the lighting, and the timeouts. You heard me.

Jackson wants pro basketball to be "played like soccer," and the impetus behind this came from his time spent coaching in Puerto Rico in the early 1980s. Teams were only allowed two timeouts per half, and the back and forth was fast and furious. Not too fast and furious. Not the fast and furious. Fast and furious. Jackson wants that back.
He said as much while addressing the reporters following the Lakers today, as transcribed by the Orange County Register's Kevin Ding. It almost sounds as if Jackson is dreading his final postseason as Lakers coach: